Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A little lady and a bug.

I love technology. It is sad to admit, but I would be lost with out my phone and laptop. I have learned so many awesome things with the help of my trusty iPhone. However, it is nice to be reminded what life was like without this crazy gadgets and gizmos that I have grown to love.

For instance, I was attempting to check my school e-mail, when all of a sudden I heard my one and a half year old start laughing like a crazy lady. I looked up to find her squatting in the kitchen looking at her hand. 

She then got up stuck her hand out, yelled,"Cool, Mama", and ran over to me.

When she got over to me I quickly noticed what she was so excited about. She found a lady bug.

When the lady bug started to crawl up her arm she squealed with delight! "Wooooooowwwwww!" and "Cooooollll!" were the only words she could say as we watched that little lady bug crawl around on the two of us.

We probably played with that darling little lady bug for a solid ten minutes before she fell and quickly flew away. It was a wonderful reminder that nature is the worlds best entertainment.

I don't think that there is any app or television show that could have amazed my little chick more than that lady bug. And it made me so very excited for the weather to warm up so that we can actually spend time outside. 

I was so busy watching her watch that darn lady bug that it never even crossed my mind to pull out my phone and capture my little Sadie and her "a-dee bug". I guess somethings are just too special to photograph!

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